Beyond Sight

Les Enluminures New York 23 E 73rd St, Penthouse, New York, NY 1002, November 14, 2024 - January 10, 2025 
Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm, on appointment

Joy BC and Les Enluminures - curated by Tomas Borchert

An exhibition exploring the Materiality of art and jewelry - in the Middle Ages and Now In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Sight occupied a place of pride, seconded by Taste, Hearing, Touch and Smell. Through a series of artworks, we examine how we can recover traces of these ‘secondary’ senses that are, along with Sight, inherent in the materiality of the works.  This aspect of medieval culture is being dissected in dialogue with contemporary artist-goldsmith Joy Bonfield-Colombara. Her technique evokes her touch, and her medium, fine jewelry, encourages a haptic engagement. The exhibition will feature important illuminated medieval manuscripts and exceptional historic jewelry from the early Middle Ages to the high Renaissance that showcase examples of the range of haptic and physical experiences enjoyed from its original owners to its contemporary custodians.